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Cantaloupe Sorbet


Energy (kcal) - 64

Protein (g) - 0.8

Carbohydrate (g) - 16.2

Fat (g) - 0.2

Khyati's Health-O-Meter Says:

This frozen dessert made from muskmelon, lemon and honey are good to have instead of ice cream. Muskmelon is a good source of vitamin A (beneficial for eyes) & vitamin C (beneficial for immunity). The sourness of lemon & sweetness of honey together provides us with flavorful dessert. Along with flavor, it is very refreshing & easy to prepare, thus it becomes a perfect dessert to be highly recommended in the summer season.

  • Fresh muskmelon (chopped) - 100 g
  • Lemon juice - ½ tsp 
  • Honey - 1 tsp 
  • Water - ¼ cup
Step 1 Place the chopped musk melon onto the baking sheet, leaving space in between the cubes to allow for even freezing.  Step 2 Place the tray into the freezer to freeze the muskmelon.  Step 3 Place the frozen muskmelon into a bowl, add lemon juice , honey and water, and mix until the muskmelon becomes crumbly.  Step 4 Add sufficient water until the mixture becomes smooth consistency but not slushy.  Step 5 Serve immediately, or store in the freezer in an airtight container.
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Cantaloupe Sorbet

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Health-O-Meter Says:

This frozen dessert made from muskmelon, lemon and honey are good to have instead of ice cream. Muskmelon is a good source of vitamin A (beneficial for eyes) & vitamin C (beneficial for immunity). The sourness of lemon & sweetness of honey together provides us with flavorful dessert. Along with flavor, it is very refreshing & easy to prepare, thus it becomes a perfect dessert to be highly recommended in the summer season.

  • Fresh muskmelon (chopped) - 100 g
  • Lemon juice - ½ tsp 
  • Honey - 1 tsp 
  • Water - ¼ cup
Step 1 Place the chopped musk melon onto the baking sheet, leaving space in between the cubes to allow for even freezing.  Step 2 Place the tray into the freezer to freeze the muskmelon.  Step 3 Place the frozen muskmelon into a bowl, add lemon juice , honey and water, and mix until the muskmelon becomes crumbly.  Step 4 Add sufficient water until the mixture becomes smooth consistency but not slushy.  Step 5 Serve immediately, or store in the freezer in an airtight container.
Recipe Title: Cantaloupe Sorbet
Recipe Category: Desserts
Recipe Views: 74
Recipe Type: Veg
Recipe Kcal:

Energy 64 (kcal), Protein 0.8 (g), Carbohydrate 16.2 (g), fat 0.2 (g).

Health-O-Meter Says:

This frozen dessert made from muskmelon, lemon and honey are good to have instead of ice cream. Muskmelon is a good source of vitamin A (beneficial for eyes) & vitamin C (beneficial for immunity). The sourness of lemon & sweetness of honey together provides us with flavorful dessert. Along with flavor, it is very refreshing & easy to prepare, thus it becomes a perfect dessert to be highly recommended in the summer season.

  • Fresh muskmelon (chopped) - 100 g
  • Lemon juice - ½ tsp 
  • Honey - 1 tsp 
  • Water - ¼ cup
Step 1 Place the chopped musk melon onto the baking sheet, leaving space in between the cubes to allow for even freezing.  Step 2 Place the tray into the freezer to freeze the muskmelon.  Step 3 Place the frozen muskmelon into a bowl, add lemon juice , honey and water, and mix until the muskmelon becomes crumbly.  Step 4 Add sufficient water until the mixture becomes smooth consistency but not slushy.  Step 5 Serve immediately, or store in the freezer in an airtight container.

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Cantaloupe Sorbet - BY KHYATI RUPANI

10 FEB 2018


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