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Carrot Mint Cucumber Juice


Energy (kcal) - 13

Protein (g) - 0.4

Carbohydrate (g) - 2.5

Fat (g) - 0.1

Khyati's Health-O-Meter Says:

Carrots can increase the health of your skin, boost the immune system, improve digestion, increase cardiovascular health, detoxify the body, and boost oral health in a variety of ways.  They also provide a well-rounded influx of vitamins and minerals. Since carrots are rich in vitamin A, it is good for improving eyesight and preventing conditions like night blindness from developing as we age. Cucumbers are rich in two of the most basic elements needed for healthy digestion: water and fibre.

  • Carrot - 50 gm
  • Cucumber - 50 gm
  • Mint leaves -  2 tsp 
  • Lemon juice -  1 tsp
Step 1 In a blender, add carrot, cucumber and mint leaves. Step 2 Grind all the ingredients together. Step 3 Squeeze lime and serve it in a glass. Step 4 Enjoy!
Recipe Category:
Healthy Drinks
Recipe Title:

Carrot Mint Cucumber Juice

Recipe Views:
Recipe Type:
Recipe Kcal:








Health-O-Meter Says:

Carrots can increase the health of your skin, boost the immune system, improve digestion, increase cardiovascular health, detoxify the body, and boost oral health in a variety of ways.  They also provide a well-rounded influx of vitamins and minerals. Since carrots are rich in vitamin A, it is good for improving eyesight and preventing conditions like night blindness from developing as we age. Cucumbers are rich in two of the most basic elements needed for healthy digestion: water and fibre.

  • Carrot - 50 gm
  • Cucumber - 50 gm
  • Mint leaves -  2 tsp 
  • Lemon juice -  1 tsp
Step 1 In a blender, add carrot, cucumber and mint leaves. Step 2 Grind all the ingredients together. Step 3 Squeeze lime and serve it in a glass. Step 4 Enjoy!
Recipe Title: Carrot Mint Cucumber Juice
Recipe Category: Healthy Drinks
Recipe Views: 675
Recipe Type: Veg
Recipe Kcal:

Energy 13 (kcal), Protein 0.4 (g), Carbohydrate 2.5 (g), fat 0.1 (g).

Health-O-Meter Says:

Carrots can increase the health of your skin, boost the immune system, improve digestion, increase cardiovascular health, detoxify the body, and boost oral health in a variety of ways.  They also provide a well-rounded influx of vitamins and minerals. Since carrots are rich in vitamin A, it is good for improving eyesight and preventing conditions like night blindness from developing as we age. Cucumbers are rich in two of the most basic elements needed for healthy digestion: water and fibre.

  • Carrot - 50 gm
  • Cucumber - 50 gm
  • Mint leaves -  2 tsp 
  • Lemon juice -  1 tsp
Step 1 In a blender, add carrot, cucumber and mint leaves. Step 2 Grind all the ingredients together. Step 3 Squeeze lime and serve it in a glass. Step 4 Enjoy!

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Carrot Mint Cucumber Juice - BY KHYATI RUPANI

10 FEB 2018


Banana Smoothie (easy To Prepare)

Banana offer not only the luscious taste but are rich sources of antioxidant nutrients, enhances , vitamin B6, potassium which helps to lower your blood pressure& also lowers cholesterol together, these nutrients protect the heart and keeps it healthy. Yogurt is an amazing source of protein and calcium and these ingredients together makes this smoothie tasty as well as healthy. Adding chia seeds to it makes it more refreshing and relishing.

Tropical Papaya Perfection

Papayas offer not only the luscious taste but are rich sources of antioxidant nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamin C and flavonoids; the B vitamins, folate, and pantothenic acid; and the minerals, potassium, copper, and magnesium; and dietary fiber. Together, these nutrients protect the heart and keep it healthy. Yogurt is an amazing source of protein and calcium and these ingredients together makes this smoothie tasty as well as healthy.

Sweet Potato Date Smoothie

Sweet Potatoes are highly nutritious as they are a good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. They also contain antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals. They promote gut health, support healthy vision, enhance brain function, and support the immune system too. Dates are also highly nutritious as they are packed with essential vitamins, fiber, and carbs which enhance energy levels.