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Crispy Spinach And Paneer Open Toast


Energy (kcal) - 100

Protein (g) - 4.7

Carbohydrate (g) - 12

Fat (g) - 2.7

Khyati's Health-O-Meter Says:

Paneer is a good source of protein and calcium.  It keeps one satiated for long after eating it which is why it can be used as an evening snack to kill those hunger pangs. Multigrain bread helps to increase the fiber content of the food. Spinach contains iron and folate, thus proving beneficial in anemia.

  • Brown bread slice, toasted - 1 
  • Spinach and Paneer Spread:
  • Spinach (palak) (blanched and finely chopped) - 3 tbsp.  
  • Paneer (grated) - 1 tbsp.
  • Green chilli (finely chopped) - 
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
Step 1 Mix all the ingredients to prepare the spread. Step 2 Spread a portion of the spinach and paneer spread on each toasted bread slice and cut them diagonally.  Step 3 Serve.
Recipe Category:
Cereals And Grains
Recipe Title:

Crispy Spinach And Paneer Open Toast

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Recipe Kcal:








Health-O-Meter Says:

Paneer is a good source of protein and calcium.  It keeps one satiated for long after eating it which is why it can be used as an evening snack to kill those hunger pangs. Multigrain bread helps to increase the fiber content of the food. Spinach contains iron and folate, thus proving beneficial in anemia.

  • Brown bread slice, toasted - 1 
  • Spinach and Paneer Spread:
  • Spinach (palak) (blanched and finely chopped) - 3 tbsp.  
  • Paneer (grated) - 1 tbsp.
  • Green chilli (finely chopped) - 
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
Step 1 Mix all the ingredients to prepare the spread. Step 2 Spread a portion of the spinach and paneer spread on each toasted bread slice and cut them diagonally.  Step 3 Serve.
Recipe Title: Crispy Spinach And Paneer Open Toast
Recipe Category: Cereals And Grains
Recipe Views: 159
Recipe Type: Veg
Recipe Kcal:

Energy 100 (kcal), Protein 4.7 (g), Carbohydrate 12 (g), fat 2.7 (g).

Health-O-Meter Says:

Paneer is a good source of protein and calcium.  It keeps one satiated for long after eating it which is why it can be used as an evening snack to kill those hunger pangs. Multigrain bread helps to increase the fiber content of the food. Spinach contains iron and folate, thus proving beneficial in anemia.

  • Brown bread slice, toasted - 1 
  • Spinach and Paneer Spread:
  • Spinach (palak) (blanched and finely chopped) - 3 tbsp.  
  • Paneer (grated) - 1 tbsp.
  • Green chilli (finely chopped) - 
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
Step 1 Mix all the ingredients to prepare the spread. Step 2 Spread a portion of the spinach and paneer spread on each toasted bread slice and cut them diagonally.  Step 3 Serve.

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Crispy Spinach And Paneer Open Toast - BY KHYATI RUPANI

10 FEB 2018


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