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Healthy Amla Drink


Energy (kcal) - 62

Protein (g) - 1.6

Carbohydrate (g) - 5

Fat (g) - 0

Khyati's Health-O-Meter Says:

Amla or Indian gooseberries are the powerhouse of nutrients especially rich in vitamin C. It helps improve digestion, boosts immunity, etc. If we regularly consume amla juice, it helps manage diabetes better and reduce cholesterol levels. Flax seeds are high in fiber and thus help in lowering cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar levels and in the proper functioning of the intestine. Tulsi acts as an antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial item along with many other medicinal and health benefits. Carrot is a good source of carotene, Fibre, and Vitamin K.

  • Amla [medium size] - 2-3 no. 
  • Flax seeds - 1 tsp 
  • Tulsi leaves - 10 to 12 in no. 
  • Carrot [medium size] - 1 no. 
  • Water - 1.5 cup
Step 1 Wash Amla, tulsi leaves and carrot. Roast the flax seeds and de-seed the amla.  Step 2 Grind all the ingredients in a mixer and form a paste.  Step 3 Add 1 cup of water and mix well. Boil it for 2-4 minutes, sieve and serve warm.
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Healthy Amla Drink

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Health-O-Meter Says:

Amla or Indian gooseberries are the powerhouse of nutrients especially rich in vitamin C. It helps improve digestion, boosts immunity, etc. If we regularly consume amla juice, it helps manage diabetes better and reduce cholesterol levels. Flax seeds are high in fiber and thus help in lowering cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar levels and in the proper functioning of the intestine. Tulsi acts as an antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial item along with many other medicinal and health benefits. Carrot is a good source of carotene, Fibre, and Vitamin K.

  • Amla [medium size] - 2-3 no. 
  • Flax seeds - 1 tsp 
  • Tulsi leaves - 10 to 12 in no. 
  • Carrot [medium size] - 1 no. 
  • Water - 1.5 cup
Step 1 Wash Amla, tulsi leaves and carrot. Roast the flax seeds and de-seed the amla.  Step 2 Grind all the ingredients in a mixer and form a paste.  Step 3 Add 1 cup of water and mix well. Boil it for 2-4 minutes, sieve and serve warm.
Recipe Title: Healthy Amla Drink
Recipe Category: Supplements
Recipe Views: 140
Recipe Type: Veg
Recipe Kcal:

Energy 62 (kcal), Protein 1.6 (g), Carbohydrate 5 (g), fat 0 (g).

Health-O-Meter Says:

Amla or Indian gooseberries are the powerhouse of nutrients especially rich in vitamin C. It helps improve digestion, boosts immunity, etc. If we regularly consume amla juice, it helps manage diabetes better and reduce cholesterol levels. Flax seeds are high in fiber and thus help in lowering cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar levels and in the proper functioning of the intestine. Tulsi acts as an antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial item along with many other medicinal and health benefits. Carrot is a good source of carotene, Fibre, and Vitamin K.

  • Amla [medium size] - 2-3 no. 
  • Flax seeds - 1 tsp 
  • Tulsi leaves - 10 to 12 in no. 
  • Carrot [medium size] - 1 no. 
  • Water - 1.5 cup
Step 1 Wash Amla, tulsi leaves and carrot. Roast the flax seeds and de-seed the amla.  Step 2 Grind all the ingredients in a mixer and form a paste.  Step 3 Add 1 cup of water and mix well. Boil it for 2-4 minutes, sieve and serve warm.

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Healthy Amla Drink - BY KHYATI RUPANI

10 FEB 2018


Cinnamon Orange Green Tea

Cinnamon orange green tea is delicious and easy to prepare beverage that offers a wide range of health benefits. These include its ability to regulate blood sugar, lower cholesterol levels, prevent chronic diseases, improve digestion and strengthens the immune system. It is a great drink for people with diabetes as it combats high blood sugar levels. It is refreshing that also helps you in your battle with weight & boost immunity levels.

Mexican Posole

An authentic Mexican thick soup loaded with colorful vegetables and protein packed beans. Kidney beans are a very good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber. Its high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after a meal, making these beans an especially good choice for individuals with diabetes, insulin resistance or hypoglycemia. Kidney beans can increase energy by helping to replenish iron stores, particularly for menstruating women, who are more at risk for iron deficiency. Tomatoes and lemon being rich in vitamin C, increases the absorption of iron from beans and vegetables.

Sprouts And Tofu Soup

This is an amazing combination of ingredients. Both tofu and sprouts add to the health quotient, while garlic and white pepper boost the flavour of the soup.  The sauteed tofu cubes add body and volume to the dish, and the moong bean sprouts add lightness and sweetness and make the whole recipe refreshing. Bean sprouts being dense in fibre and anti-oxidants when combined with tofu which is rich in soy proteins, low in sodium and cholesterol-free makes the dish nutritious. The addition of vegetable stock releases varied flavours to the soup.