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Hummus And Grilled Veggie Wrap


Energy (kcal) - 202

Protein (g) - 6.1

Carbohydrate (g) - 39

Fat (g) - 3

Khyati's Health-O-Meter Says:

Hummus and grilled veggies is a very wholesome and healthy wrap for a light dinner. It is filled with fibre, antioxidants, proteins and fats. It is very easy to make and quick recipe. Perfect to fit in our busy lifestyle.

  • Whole wheat / multigrain tortilla (roti/ chapati) - 1
  • Yellow Squash - 5 slices
  • Bell peppers - half
  • Onions - 1/4
  • Hummus - 1 tbsp
  • Cilantro - chopped - 1 tbsp
  • Spinach - 10 leaves
  • Salt - to taste
Step 1 Take a tortilla, spread hummus on it. Step 2 Add yellow squash, bell peppers and onions. Step 3 Sprinkle with cilantro and salt. Step 4 Add the spinach leaves. Step 5 Rull it well and cut into 2 pieces.
Recipe Category:
Cereals And Grains
Recipe Title:

Hummus And Grilled Veggie Wrap

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Recipe Kcal:








Health-O-Meter Says:

Hummus and grilled veggies is a very wholesome and healthy wrap for a light dinner. It is filled with fibre, antioxidants, proteins and fats. It is very easy to make and quick recipe. Perfect to fit in our busy lifestyle.

  • Whole wheat / multigrain tortilla (roti/ chapati) - 1
  • Yellow Squash - 5 slices
  • Bell peppers - half
  • Onions - 1/4
  • Hummus - 1 tbsp
  • Cilantro - chopped - 1 tbsp
  • Spinach - 10 leaves
  • Salt - to taste
Step 1 Take a tortilla, spread hummus on it. Step 2 Add yellow squash, bell peppers and onions. Step 3 Sprinkle with cilantro and salt. Step 4 Add the spinach leaves. Step 5 Rull it well and cut into 2 pieces.
Recipe Title: Hummus And Grilled Veggie Wrap
Recipe Category: Cereals And Grains
Recipe Views: 73
Recipe Type: Veg
Recipe Kcal:

Energy 202 (kcal), Protein 6.1 (g), Carbohydrate 39 (g), fat 3 (g).

Health-O-Meter Says:

Hummus and grilled veggies is a very wholesome and healthy wrap for a light dinner. It is filled with fibre, antioxidants, proteins and fats. It is very easy to make and quick recipe. Perfect to fit in our busy lifestyle.

  • Whole wheat / multigrain tortilla (roti/ chapati) - 1
  • Yellow Squash - 5 slices
  • Bell peppers - half
  • Onions - 1/4
  • Hummus - 1 tbsp
  • Cilantro - chopped - 1 tbsp
  • Spinach - 10 leaves
  • Salt - to taste
Step 1 Take a tortilla, spread hummus on it. Step 2 Add yellow squash, bell peppers and onions. Step 3 Sprinkle with cilantro and salt. Step 4 Add the spinach leaves. Step 5 Rull it well and cut into 2 pieces.

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Hummus And Grilled Veggie Wrap - BY KHYATI RUPANI

10 FEB 2018


Barley Roti

Barley is an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fiber and selenium. It is also a good source of phosphorous, copper and manganese. The insoluble fiber helps to prevent colon cancer and maintain regular bowel movement. The soluble fiber lowers blood cholesterol and slows down the absorption of sugar and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. The presence of copper in barley reduces symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. It also maintains flexibility in bones and joints. The selenium present in barley preserves the elasticity of the skin, along with manganese and it gives the body a feeling of well-being.

Chicken Mediterranean Wrap

This healthy wrap perfect for a light dinner meal is surely a wholesome one. Containing the rich protein source chicken, antioxidants filled tomatoes, and excellent vitamin A source lettuce makes the Mediterranean wrap even more healthy and nutritious. Squeezing a pinch of lemon would add on to the tangy flavour.

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