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Methi Masoor Dal


Energy (kcal) - 153

Protein (g) - 8

Carbohydrate (g) - 19

Fat (g) - 3

Khyati's Health-O-Meter Says:

This Red Split Lentils with methi is a very good source of protein for vegetarians. Fenugreek is also one of the best sources of dietary magnesium, which is necessary for energy metabolism, maintaining muscle and nerve function. Lentils include all these beneficial nutrients like fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins, they are still low in calories and contain virtually no fat. 


  • Split red lentil (masoor dal) - 30 g
  • Fenugreek leaves (methi) - 1 bunch
  • Turmeric powder - ¼ tsp
  • Onion - 1 medium
  • Green chilli - 1no.
  • Ginger - 1-inch piece
  • Garlic - 4 or 5 no. 
  • Whole dry red chilli - 1no.
  • Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
  • Oil - ½ tsp
  • Salt - to taste

Step 1 Pick, wash and boil dal with salt and turmeric powder in three cups of water.  Step 2 Clean, wash and chop fenugreek leaves. Peel, wash and chop onions finely. Step 3 Remove stems, wash, deseed and finely chop green chillies. Peel, wash and chop ginger and garlic. Remove stems of red chillies. Heat oil in a pan. Add whule red chillies and cumin seeds.  Step 4 When cumin seeds begin to change culor, add onions and green chillies. Cook till onions soft and translucent. Add ginger and garlic, cook for half a minute. Step 5  Add the boiled dal. Bring to a boil and add chopped fenugreek leaves.  Step 6 Simmer for two minutes and serve hot.
Recipe Category:
Dals Kadhis And Pulses
Recipe Title:

Methi Masoor Dal

Recipe Views:
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Recipe Kcal:








Health-O-Meter Says:

This Red Split Lentils with methi is a very good source of protein for vegetarians. Fenugreek is also one of the best sources of dietary magnesium, which is necessary for energy metabolism, maintaining muscle and nerve function. Lentils include all these beneficial nutrients like fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins, they are still low in calories and contain virtually no fat. 


  • Split red lentil (masoor dal) - 30 g
  • Fenugreek leaves (methi) - 1 bunch
  • Turmeric powder - ¼ tsp
  • Onion - 1 medium
  • Green chilli - 1no.
  • Ginger - 1-inch piece
  • Garlic - 4 or 5 no. 
  • Whole dry red chilli - 1no.
  • Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
  • Oil - ½ tsp
  • Salt - to taste

Step 1 Pick, wash and boil dal with salt and turmeric powder in three cups of water.  Step 2 Clean, wash and chop fenugreek leaves. Peel, wash and chop onions finely. Step 3 Remove stems, wash, deseed and finely chop green chillies. Peel, wash and chop ginger and garlic. Remove stems of red chillies. Heat oil in a pan. Add whule red chillies and cumin seeds.  Step 4 When cumin seeds begin to change culor, add onions and green chillies. Cook till onions soft and translucent. Add ginger and garlic, cook for half a minute. Step 5  Add the boiled dal. Bring to a boil and add chopped fenugreek leaves.  Step 6 Simmer for two minutes and serve hot.
Recipe Title: Methi Masoor Dal
Recipe Category: Dals Kadhis And Pulses
Recipe Views: 87
Recipe Type: Veg
Recipe Kcal:

Energy 153 (kcal), Protein 8 (g), Carbohydrate 19 (g), fat 3 (g).

Health-O-Meter Says:

This Red Split Lentils with methi is a very good source of protein for vegetarians. Fenugreek is also one of the best sources of dietary magnesium, which is necessary for energy metabolism, maintaining muscle and nerve function. Lentils include all these beneficial nutrients like fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins, they are still low in calories and contain virtually no fat. 


  • Split red lentil (masoor dal) - 30 g
  • Fenugreek leaves (methi) - 1 bunch
  • Turmeric powder - ¼ tsp
  • Onion - 1 medium
  • Green chilli - 1no.
  • Ginger - 1-inch piece
  • Garlic - 4 or 5 no. 
  • Whole dry red chilli - 1no.
  • Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
  • Oil - ½ tsp
  • Salt - to taste

Step 1 Pick, wash and boil dal with salt and turmeric powder in three cups of water.  Step 2 Clean, wash and chop fenugreek leaves. Peel, wash and chop onions finely. Step 3 Remove stems, wash, deseed and finely chop green chillies. Peel, wash and chop ginger and garlic. Remove stems of red chillies. Heat oil in a pan. Add whule red chillies and cumin seeds.  Step 4 When cumin seeds begin to change culor, add onions and green chillies. Cook till onions soft and translucent. Add ginger and garlic, cook for half a minute. Step 5  Add the boiled dal. Bring to a boil and add chopped fenugreek leaves.  Step 6 Simmer for two minutes and serve hot.

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Methi Masoor Dal - BY KHYATI RUPANI

10 FEB 2018


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Bright green coloured spinach is not only appealing to the eye but nutritious too. Spinach is an excellent source of antioxidant nutrients including vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids. Zucchini is effective for weight management due to its healthy combination of high fiber and moisture content and low-calorie content.

Charcoal Lemonade

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