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Moong And Paneer Soup


Energy (kcal) - 185

Protein (g) - 10.3

Carbohydrate (g) - 20

Fat (g) - 5.5

Khyati's Health-O-Meter Says:

A protein packed healthy moong and low-fat paneer broth brings different flavors and nutrients together. Paneer being rich in calcium and protein helps to maintain bone strength and repairs damaged tissues. Moong serves the required amounts of protein and fiber content which in-turn leads to weight loss. Since the paneer used is a low-fat version, it is cardiac friendly too.

  • Paneer (cut into half inch cubes) - 30 g 
  • Whole green grams (sabut moong) - 2 tbsp 
  • Spring onions (finely chopped) - 1 tbsp 
  • Ginger (chopped) - 1 inch
  • Green chilies (chopped) - 1-2 nos.
  • Cumin seeds - 1/4th tsp 
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • Salt - as per taste
  • Oil - 1/2 tsp
Step 1 Add moong along with water and salt in a pressure cooker and cook until the moong become soft. Allow it to coul for some time.  Step 2 Add the cooked moong in a grinder to make a smooth puree, add water as required. Step 3 Heat oil in a pan, add cumin seed, spring onion, ginger and saute it for 1 minute.  Step 4 Add green chillies and saute again for another 1 minute.  Step 5 Add moong puree and allow it to boil.  Step 6 Add lemon juice and cook for few seconds. Step 7 Add the cubed paneer, salt to taste and simmer for few seconds. Turn off the flame. Step 8 Pour it in a bowl, serve hot and Enjoy! 
Recipe Category:
Soups And Stir Fries
Recipe Title:

Moong And Paneer Soup

Recipe Views:
Recipe Type:
Recipe Kcal:








Health-O-Meter Says:

A protein packed healthy moong and low-fat paneer broth brings different flavors and nutrients together. Paneer being rich in calcium and protein helps to maintain bone strength and repairs damaged tissues. Moong serves the required amounts of protein and fiber content which in-turn leads to weight loss. Since the paneer used is a low-fat version, it is cardiac friendly too.

  • Paneer (cut into half inch cubes) - 30 g 
  • Whole green grams (sabut moong) - 2 tbsp 
  • Spring onions (finely chopped) - 1 tbsp 
  • Ginger (chopped) - 1 inch
  • Green chilies (chopped) - 1-2 nos.
  • Cumin seeds - 1/4th tsp 
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • Salt - as per taste
  • Oil - 1/2 tsp
Step 1 Add moong along with water and salt in a pressure cooker and cook until the moong become soft. Allow it to coul for some time.  Step 2 Add the cooked moong in a grinder to make a smooth puree, add water as required. Step 3 Heat oil in a pan, add cumin seed, spring onion, ginger and saute it for 1 minute.  Step 4 Add green chillies and saute again for another 1 minute.  Step 5 Add moong puree and allow it to boil.  Step 6 Add lemon juice and cook for few seconds. Step 7 Add the cubed paneer, salt to taste and simmer for few seconds. Turn off the flame. Step 8 Pour it in a bowl, serve hot and Enjoy! 
Recipe Title: Moong And Paneer Soup
Recipe Category: Soups And Stir Fries
Recipe Views: 118
Recipe Type: Veg
Recipe Kcal:

Energy 185 (kcal), Protein 10.3 (g), Carbohydrate 20 (g), fat 5.5 (g).

Health-O-Meter Says:

A protein packed healthy moong and low-fat paneer broth brings different flavors and nutrients together. Paneer being rich in calcium and protein helps to maintain bone strength and repairs damaged tissues. Moong serves the required amounts of protein and fiber content which in-turn leads to weight loss. Since the paneer used is a low-fat version, it is cardiac friendly too.

  • Paneer (cut into half inch cubes) - 30 g 
  • Whole green grams (sabut moong) - 2 tbsp 
  • Spring onions (finely chopped) - 1 tbsp 
  • Ginger (chopped) - 1 inch
  • Green chilies (chopped) - 1-2 nos.
  • Cumin seeds - 1/4th tsp 
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • Salt - as per taste
  • Oil - 1/2 tsp
Step 1 Add moong along with water and salt in a pressure cooker and cook until the moong become soft. Allow it to coul for some time.  Step 2 Add the cooked moong in a grinder to make a smooth puree, add water as required. Step 3 Heat oil in a pan, add cumin seed, spring onion, ginger and saute it for 1 minute.  Step 4 Add green chillies and saute again for another 1 minute.  Step 5 Add moong puree and allow it to boil.  Step 6 Add lemon juice and cook for few seconds. Step 7 Add the cubed paneer, salt to taste and simmer for few seconds. Turn off the flame. Step 8 Pour it in a bowl, serve hot and Enjoy! 

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Moong And Paneer Soup - BY KHYATI RUPANI

10 FEB 2018


Healthy Spice Mix (easy To Prepare)

Kali jeera aids in weight loss as it possesses diuretic properties & also helps in lowering blood sugar levels. Cumin seeds also help in boosting the immune system as they are a good source of vitamin C. Fenugreek seeds contain natural soluble fibre thus aiding in weight loss. Ajwain helps in regulating the digestion process. This mixture also aids in lowering cholesterol.

Beetroot Soup

Here is a vibrantly colored, low-calorie soup that is tasteful and soothing. A dash of freshly ground pepper imparts a mild spiciness to an otherwise sweetish soup. Beetroot being all-rounder in nutritive value helps in fighting cancer due to the antioxidant Betacyanin' has zero cholesterol and loaded with vitamins and minerals. Inclusion of bottle gourd and carrot which are high in moisture content helps to replenish lost bodily fluids, aids digestion, and weight loss.

Ukadiche Modak

No one would ever miss having modaks , during the Ganesh festival, they are high in calories, but still the nutrition we get from coconut & jaggery can't be avoided. Fresh coconut is a quick source of energy & it also improves digestion & absorption of nutrients. It also keeps your skin & hair healthy. Jaggery is also a good source of iron, thus good for anemic. If we neglect the number of calories, then 1 modak a day is always better than the chocolates or sweets which we get in the market.