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Onion Uttapam


Energy (kcal) - 140

Protein (g) - 5.2

Carbohydrate (g) - 22.5

Fat (g) - 3.3

Khyati's Health-O-Meter Says:

A perfect cereal pulse combination. Black gram is rich in vitamins, minerals and devoid of cholesterol. It is a store house of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese etc. Urad dal contains vitamins and dietary fibers. Black gram also helps in increasing energy level.


  • Normal rice (raw) UNREFINED - 1 tbsp
  • Urad dal (raw) - 1 tbsp
  • Onions thinly sliced - 30 g
  • Oil - ½ tsp
  • Salt - as per taste

Step 1 Mix rice and urad dal, wash them with water 4 - 5 times. Soak in water for 7 - 8 hours or overnight.  Step 2 Drain water and grind the mixture to a very fine paste.  Step 3 Add salt and mix the batter properly. Cover it and keep it at room temperature, allow it to ferment for 12 hours or overnight. Keep it in a large bowl with only half filled with the grinded mixture. Step 4 Next Morning, the batter will rise from its level and becomes very creamy. This shows that it got fermented properly.FOR UTTAPAM : Step 5 Peel the skin of the onions and thinly slice the onions. Do not chop them finely. Add a pinch of salt to the sliced onions and keep it aside.  Step 6 Heat a dosa griddle and when it becomes hot, keep the flame to medium and pour a ladle full of batter to make a small circle. Step 7 Smear a handful of sliced onions which should cover the entire circle.  Step 8 Add oil. When it partially cooked, just flip the uttapam carefully. Gently pat the uttapam with a stick which we use to flip the dosa (dosa tiruppi). Step 9 This will help the onions to get infused into the dosa and no onions will come out. Step 10 Keep this in a medium flame for a minute and smear oil. Serve hot with green chutney. 
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Onion Uttapam

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Health-O-Meter Says:

A perfect cereal pulse combination. Black gram is rich in vitamins, minerals and devoid of cholesterol. It is a store house of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese etc. Urad dal contains vitamins and dietary fibers. Black gram also helps in increasing energy level.


  • Normal rice (raw) UNREFINED - 1 tbsp
  • Urad dal (raw) - 1 tbsp
  • Onions thinly sliced - 30 g
  • Oil - ½ tsp
  • Salt - as per taste

Step 1 Mix rice and urad dal, wash them with water 4 - 5 times. Soak in water for 7 - 8 hours or overnight.  Step 2 Drain water and grind the mixture to a very fine paste.  Step 3 Add salt and mix the batter properly. Cover it and keep it at room temperature, allow it to ferment for 12 hours or overnight. Keep it in a large bowl with only half filled with the grinded mixture. Step 4 Next Morning, the batter will rise from its level and becomes very creamy. This shows that it got fermented properly.FOR UTTAPAM : Step 5 Peel the skin of the onions and thinly slice the onions. Do not chop them finely. Add a pinch of salt to the sliced onions and keep it aside.  Step 6 Heat a dosa griddle and when it becomes hot, keep the flame to medium and pour a ladle full of batter to make a small circle. Step 7 Smear a handful of sliced onions which should cover the entire circle.  Step 8 Add oil. When it partially cooked, just flip the uttapam carefully. Gently pat the uttapam with a stick which we use to flip the dosa (dosa tiruppi). Step 9 This will help the onions to get infused into the dosa and no onions will come out. Step 10 Keep this in a medium flame for a minute and smear oil. Serve hot with green chutney. 
Recipe Title: Onion Uttapam
Recipe Category: Breakfast
Recipe Views: 82
Recipe Type: Veg
Recipe Kcal:

Energy 140 (kcal), Protein 5.2 (g), Carbohydrate 22.5 (g), fat 3.3 (g).

Health-O-Meter Says:

A perfect cereal pulse combination. Black gram is rich in vitamins, minerals and devoid of cholesterol. It is a store house of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese etc. Urad dal contains vitamins and dietary fibers. Black gram also helps in increasing energy level.


  • Normal rice (raw) UNREFINED - 1 tbsp
  • Urad dal (raw) - 1 tbsp
  • Onions thinly sliced - 30 g
  • Oil - ½ tsp
  • Salt - as per taste

Step 1 Mix rice and urad dal, wash them with water 4 - 5 times. Soak in water for 7 - 8 hours or overnight.  Step 2 Drain water and grind the mixture to a very fine paste.  Step 3 Add salt and mix the batter properly. Cover it and keep it at room temperature, allow it to ferment for 12 hours or overnight. Keep it in a large bowl with only half filled with the grinded mixture. Step 4 Next Morning, the batter will rise from its level and becomes very creamy. This shows that it got fermented properly.FOR UTTAPAM : Step 5 Peel the skin of the onions and thinly slice the onions. Do not chop them finely. Add a pinch of salt to the sliced onions and keep it aside.  Step 6 Heat a dosa griddle and when it becomes hot, keep the flame to medium and pour a ladle full of batter to make a small circle. Step 7 Smear a handful of sliced onions which should cover the entire circle.  Step 8 Add oil. When it partially cooked, just flip the uttapam carefully. Gently pat the uttapam with a stick which we use to flip the dosa (dosa tiruppi). Step 9 This will help the onions to get infused into the dosa and no onions will come out. Step 10 Keep this in a medium flame for a minute and smear oil. Serve hot with green chutney. 

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Onion Uttapam - BY KHYATI RUPANI

10 FEB 2018


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