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Sama Ke Chawal Ki Idli


Energy (kcal) - 102

Protein (g) - 2.3

Carbohydrate (g) - 20.1

Fat (g) - 1.4

Khyati's Health-O-Meter Says:

Idlis helps in weight loss as they are steamed. Steamed food does not contain fat and calories that can increase your weight. Sama rice contains high digestible fiber and it also has less calorie which is good for health.

  • Sama ke chawal (barnyard millet) - 1 cup
  • Baking soda - A pinch 
  • Rock salt - as required.
  • Water - for soaking
Step 1 Take both the Sama ke chawal in a bowl Step 2 Rinse then well and soak in enough water for 3 hours. Step 3 Drain and then grind in a wet grinder. Step 4 No need to add any water as the grains absorb enough water to help with the grinding. But if you are unable to grind in your grinder then just add 2-3 tsp of water. Step 5 The consistency of the batter can be a bit granular. Step 6 Take the batter in a bowl and allow to ferment for 8-9 hours or overnight. Step 7 Before preparing, add salt to the batter and mix well. Step 8 Heat water in a steamer or an electric cooker. Step 9 Add baking soda to the batter and stir well. Step 10 Pour the batter in greased idli moulds. Step 11 Place in the steamer or electric cooker. Step 12 Steam the idlis for 8-10 minutes or till they are cooked. Step 13 Serve Sama ke idlis hot or warm with your favorite coconut chutney
Recipe Category:
Fasting Recipes
Recipe Title:

Sama Ke Chawal Ki Idli

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Health-O-Meter Says:

Idlis helps in weight loss as they are steamed. Steamed food does not contain fat and calories that can increase your weight. Sama rice contains high digestible fiber and it also has less calorie which is good for health.

  • Sama ke chawal (barnyard millet) - 1 cup
  • Baking soda - A pinch 
  • Rock salt - as required.
  • Water - for soaking
Step 1 Take both the Sama ke chawal in a bowl Step 2 Rinse then well and soak in enough water for 3 hours. Step 3 Drain and then grind in a wet grinder. Step 4 No need to add any water as the grains absorb enough water to help with the grinding. But if you are unable to grind in your grinder then just add 2-3 tsp of water. Step 5 The consistency of the batter can be a bit granular. Step 6 Take the batter in a bowl and allow to ferment for 8-9 hours or overnight. Step 7 Before preparing, add salt to the batter and mix well. Step 8 Heat water in a steamer or an electric cooker. Step 9 Add baking soda to the batter and stir well. Step 10 Pour the batter in greased idli moulds. Step 11 Place in the steamer or electric cooker. Step 12 Steam the idlis for 8-10 minutes or till they are cooked. Step 13 Serve Sama ke idlis hot or warm with your favorite coconut chutney
Recipe Title: Sama Ke Chawal Ki Idli
Recipe Category: Fasting Recipes
Recipe Views: 116
Recipe Type: Veg
Recipe Kcal:

Energy 102 (kcal), Protein 2.3 (g), Carbohydrate 20.1 (g), fat 1.4 (g).

Health-O-Meter Says:

Idlis helps in weight loss as they are steamed. Steamed food does not contain fat and calories that can increase your weight. Sama rice contains high digestible fiber and it also has less calorie which is good for health.

  • Sama ke chawal (barnyard millet) - 1 cup
  • Baking soda - A pinch 
  • Rock salt - as required.
  • Water - for soaking
Step 1 Take both the Sama ke chawal in a bowl Step 2 Rinse then well and soak in enough water for 3 hours. Step 3 Drain and then grind in a wet grinder. Step 4 No need to add any water as the grains absorb enough water to help with the grinding. But if you are unable to grind in your grinder then just add 2-3 tsp of water. Step 5 The consistency of the batter can be a bit granular. Step 6 Take the batter in a bowl and allow to ferment for 8-9 hours or overnight. Step 7 Before preparing, add salt to the batter and mix well. Step 8 Heat water in a steamer or an electric cooker. Step 9 Add baking soda to the batter and stir well. Step 10 Pour the batter in greased idli moulds. Step 11 Place in the steamer or electric cooker. Step 12 Steam the idlis for 8-10 minutes or till they are cooked. Step 13 Serve Sama ke idlis hot or warm with your favorite coconut chutney

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Sama Ke Chawal Ki Idli - BY KHYATI RUPANI

10 FEB 2018


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