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Summer Chickpea Salad


Energy (kcal) - 175

Protein (g) - 9.6

Carbohydrate (g) - 17.6

Fat (g) - 5.3

Khyati's Health-O-Meter Says:

Chickpeas are low in GI, high in protein and fiber too. It also helps to lower LDL cholesterol (bad) and has a great satiety value too. Feta cheese contains nearly 140 mg. of calcium, making it one of the best dietary sources of calcium. Calcium is an essential component to the development and health of your body bones and tooth enamel. Enjoy all of the health benefits in this healthy, tasty and easy to make salad recipe.

  • Chickpeas - 30 gm
  • Red onion - 1/2 small
  • Tomatoes - 2 small
  • Fresh red chillies , deseeded - 1 no.
  • Fresh mint, chopped - 1 tbsp
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper - to taste
  • Feta cheese (crumbled) - 10 gm
  • Olive oil - 1/4 tsp
  • Lemon juice - 1/2 tsp
Step 1 First of all, finely slice your red onion. Once that's done, finely slice your chilies then roughly chop your tomatoes, mixing them in with the onion and chilies.  Step 2 Scrape all of this into a bowl and dress with the juice of a lemon and good ulive oil. Season to taste.  Step 3 Heat the chickpeas in a pan, then add 90 percent of them to the bowl. Mush up the remaining chickpeas and adding these as well they will give a nice creamy consistency. Allow to marinate for a little while and serve at room temperature. Step 4 Just as you're ready to serve, give the salad a final dress with the fresh mint and basil. Taste one last time for seasoning, you may want to add the juice from your remaining lemon half at this point. Place on a nice serving dish and crumble over the feta cheese.
Recipe Category:
Salads And Salad Dressings
Recipe Title:

Summer Chickpea Salad

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Recipe Kcal:








Health-O-Meter Says:

Chickpeas are low in GI, high in protein and fiber too. It also helps to lower LDL cholesterol (bad) and has a great satiety value too. Feta cheese contains nearly 140 mg. of calcium, making it one of the best dietary sources of calcium. Calcium is an essential component to the development and health of your body bones and tooth enamel. Enjoy all of the health benefits in this healthy, tasty and easy to make salad recipe.

  • Chickpeas - 30 gm
  • Red onion - 1/2 small
  • Tomatoes - 2 small
  • Fresh red chillies , deseeded - 1 no.
  • Fresh mint, chopped - 1 tbsp
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper - to taste
  • Feta cheese (crumbled) - 10 gm
  • Olive oil - 1/4 tsp
  • Lemon juice - 1/2 tsp
Step 1 First of all, finely slice your red onion. Once that's done, finely slice your chilies then roughly chop your tomatoes, mixing them in with the onion and chilies.  Step 2 Scrape all of this into a bowl and dress with the juice of a lemon and good ulive oil. Season to taste.  Step 3 Heat the chickpeas in a pan, then add 90 percent of them to the bowl. Mush up the remaining chickpeas and adding these as well they will give a nice creamy consistency. Allow to marinate for a little while and serve at room temperature. Step 4 Just as you're ready to serve, give the salad a final dress with the fresh mint and basil. Taste one last time for seasoning, you may want to add the juice from your remaining lemon half at this point. Place on a nice serving dish and crumble over the feta cheese.
Recipe Title: Summer Chickpea Salad
Recipe Category: Salads And Salad Dressings
Recipe Views: 161
Recipe Type: Veg
Recipe Kcal:

Energy 175 (kcal), Protein 9.6 (g), Carbohydrate 17.6 (g), fat 5.3 (g).

Health-O-Meter Says:

Chickpeas are low in GI, high in protein and fiber too. It also helps to lower LDL cholesterol (bad) and has a great satiety value too. Feta cheese contains nearly 140 mg. of calcium, making it one of the best dietary sources of calcium. Calcium is an essential component to the development and health of your body bones and tooth enamel. Enjoy all of the health benefits in this healthy, tasty and easy to make salad recipe.

  • Chickpeas - 30 gm
  • Red onion - 1/2 small
  • Tomatoes - 2 small
  • Fresh red chillies , deseeded - 1 no.
  • Fresh mint, chopped - 1 tbsp
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper - to taste
  • Feta cheese (crumbled) - 10 gm
  • Olive oil - 1/4 tsp
  • Lemon juice - 1/2 tsp
Step 1 First of all, finely slice your red onion. Once that's done, finely slice your chilies then roughly chop your tomatoes, mixing them in with the onion and chilies.  Step 2 Scrape all of this into a bowl and dress with the juice of a lemon and good ulive oil. Season to taste.  Step 3 Heat the chickpeas in a pan, then add 90 percent of them to the bowl. Mush up the remaining chickpeas and adding these as well they will give a nice creamy consistency. Allow to marinate for a little while and serve at room temperature. Step 4 Just as you're ready to serve, give the salad a final dress with the fresh mint and basil. Taste one last time for seasoning, you may want to add the juice from your remaining lemon half at this point. Place on a nice serving dish and crumble over the feta cheese.

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Summer Chickpea Salad - BY KHYATI RUPANI

10 FEB 2018


New Paneer Chilli

This dish is packed with the antioxidants from the varied coloured capsicums (green, yellow, red) as well as proteins from the low-fat paneer. Rich in vitamin C, capsicums also contain a whole range of vitamin B complexes (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9). Other minerals it contains are potassium, manganese, thiamine, molybdenum, tryptophan, copper, cobalt and zinc.

Charu (tamarind Rasam)

Rasam contains tamarind that is rich in dietary fiber or non-starch polysaccharides, such as mucilage, pectin, hemicellulose, tannin and gums. It adds bulk to food and eases bowel movement. Thus, easing constipation. Rasam is rich in essential vitamins such as thiamin, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, niacin, and riboflavin. Some of these vitamins act as antioxidants as well, keeping the body healthy.

Vrat Ki Kadi

Vrat ki kadhi is good for health as it contains some major ingredients like curd and rajgira flour (amaranth flour). Curd enhances the digestion and also strengthen the digestive system and it is a good source of protein and calcium.Rajgira is a good source of magnesium, vitamin A and vitamin B. Since it is high in fiber and slow to digest, it makes you full for longer, eliminating the urge for repeated unhealthy snaking.