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Tofu And Wakame Soup


Energy (kcal) - 71.9

Protein (g) - 4.9

Carbohydrate (g) - 1.5

Fat (g) - 3.5

Khyati's Health-O-Meter Says:

Tofu is an excellent source of protein. Some of the health benefits of wakame include its ability to aid in weight loss, lower cholesterol, boost heart health, prevent cancer, boost energy levels, maintain hormonal balance, build strong bones, increase circulation, improve skin health, and protect infant health.

  • 200 - ml vegetable stock/dashi stock
  • 1 - tsp. dried wakame(seaweed), soaked in water for 5 minutes then drained
  • 10 - grams mushrooms, (trimmed) (optional)
  • 20 - grams firm tofu/ 40- grams paneer, cut into cubes.
  • 1 - tablespoons miso
Step 1 Bring the dashi to a boil in a saucepan.  Add the wakame and mushrooms (if you are using them), and simmer for 1 minute.Add the miso (using one of the methods detailed above) to the dashi, and then the tofu*, and reheat slightly (but do not boil).  Serve immediately. Step 2 You can also add the paneer/tofu in a bowl and then ladle the soup over the tofu when it is finished. Step 3 Instead of tofu, feel free to use low fat paneer as mentioned in the ingredientsNote: Dashi stock is made with dried seaweed and fish flakes(dried fish)Miso is a traditional Japanese seasoning produced by fermenting soybeans with salt and the fungus.Wakame is a sea vegetable, or edible seaweed. It has a subtly sweet flavour and is most often served in soups and salads.
Recipe Category:
Soups And Stir Fries
Recipe Title:

Tofu And Wakame Soup

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Health-O-Meter Says:

Tofu is an excellent source of protein. Some of the health benefits of wakame include its ability to aid in weight loss, lower cholesterol, boost heart health, prevent cancer, boost energy levels, maintain hormonal balance, build strong bones, increase circulation, improve skin health, and protect infant health.

  • 200 - ml vegetable stock/dashi stock
  • 1 - tsp. dried wakame(seaweed), soaked in water for 5 minutes then drained
  • 10 - grams mushrooms, (trimmed) (optional)
  • 20 - grams firm tofu/ 40- grams paneer, cut into cubes.
  • 1 - tablespoons miso
Step 1 Bring the dashi to a boil in a saucepan.  Add the wakame and mushrooms (if you are using them), and simmer for 1 minute.Add the miso (using one of the methods detailed above) to the dashi, and then the tofu*, and reheat slightly (but do not boil).  Serve immediately. Step 2 You can also add the paneer/tofu in a bowl and then ladle the soup over the tofu when it is finished. Step 3 Instead of tofu, feel free to use low fat paneer as mentioned in the ingredientsNote: Dashi stock is made with dried seaweed and fish flakes(dried fish)Miso is a traditional Japanese seasoning produced by fermenting soybeans with salt and the fungus.Wakame is a sea vegetable, or edible seaweed. It has a subtly sweet flavour and is most often served in soups and salads.
Recipe Title: Tofu And Wakame Soup
Recipe Category: Soups And Stir Fries
Recipe Views: 95
Recipe Type: Veg
Recipe Kcal:

Energy 71.9 (kcal), Protein 4.9 (g), Carbohydrate 1.5 (g), fat 3.5 (g).

Health-O-Meter Says:

Tofu is an excellent source of protein. Some of the health benefits of wakame include its ability to aid in weight loss, lower cholesterol, boost heart health, prevent cancer, boost energy levels, maintain hormonal balance, build strong bones, increase circulation, improve skin health, and protect infant health.

  • 200 - ml vegetable stock/dashi stock
  • 1 - tsp. dried wakame(seaweed), soaked in water for 5 minutes then drained
  • 10 - grams mushrooms, (trimmed) (optional)
  • 20 - grams firm tofu/ 40- grams paneer, cut into cubes.
  • 1 - tablespoons miso
Step 1 Bring the dashi to a boil in a saucepan.  Add the wakame and mushrooms (if you are using them), and simmer for 1 minute.Add the miso (using one of the methods detailed above) to the dashi, and then the tofu*, and reheat slightly (but do not boil).  Serve immediately. Step 2 You can also add the paneer/tofu in a bowl and then ladle the soup over the tofu when it is finished. Step 3 Instead of tofu, feel free to use low fat paneer as mentioned in the ingredientsNote: Dashi stock is made with dried seaweed and fish flakes(dried fish)Miso is a traditional Japanese seasoning produced by fermenting soybeans with salt and the fungus.Wakame is a sea vegetable, or edible seaweed. It has a subtly sweet flavour and is most often served in soups and salads.

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Tofu And Wakame Soup - BY KHYATI RUPANI

10 FEB 2018


Buddha Bowl Soup

Brown rice is a rich source of fiber and good for weight loss. Kidney beans are a good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber. When combined with whole grains such as brown rice, kidney beans provide virtually fat-free high-quality protein. Paneer is also a good source of protein, especially for vegetarians. Broccoli is rich in dietary fiber and vitamins.

Turai Moong Chana

Ridge gourd is a very healthy veggie with very few calories. It contains insulin-like peptides that lower and balance blood sugar levels and these powerful peptides lower the amounts of sugar excreted in through the urine. Ridge gourd is very important for those who are suffering from diabetes and hypoglycemia. It is also a good anti-inflammatory the agent thus helps in dealing with cardiovascular diseases, strokes, and cancer. Also, ridge gourd is also a good detoxing agent for the liver, blood, and other tissues of the body.Ridge Gourd also contains Vitamin C for keeping away colds, B Vitamins for good mood and vitality, zinc for strengthening our immune system, iron for anemia, manganese and magnesium for enzyme production and immunity, plus calcium and phosphorus for strong bones.

Sprouts And Tofu Soup

This is an amazing combination of ingredients. Both tofu and sprouts add to the health quotient, while garlic and white pepper boost the flavour of the soup.  The sauteed tofu cubes add body and volume to the dish, and the moong bean sprouts add lightness and sweetness and make the whole recipe refreshing. Bean sprouts being dense in fibre and anti-oxidants when combined with tofu which is rich in soy proteins, low in sodium and cholesterol-free makes the dish nutritious. The addition of vegetable stock releases varied flavours to the soup.