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Prioritizing Self-Care on Women's Day

06 Mar 2018

WOMAN…it is not just a word but it has got a whole world weaved in itself. She is the nurturer of a family as well as a fiery spirit dominating today’s professional field, thus pronouncing herself as a true inspiration to all.
In her daily struggle of life, she always prioritizes on fulfilling all her responsibilities & obligations while neglecting her own health & well-being.

Then who will take care of these selfless creatures? Women after a certain age suffer from numerous health issues such as PCOS, thyroid disorders, osteoporosis, high cholesterol & as such. So, for all women, it is essential to spare a few precious moments to take care of their own needs & wellness.

It is not a very difficult task; all you have to do is adhere to a healthy weight loss diet based on your health issues & needs. There are certain herbs for women that can be included in the daily meal for a fitter & better version of you.

This Women’s Day, take a vow to take care of You so that you can take care of your loved ones…



1. Break the Fast with a Wholesome Meal: The first proper meal of the morning is very crucial to sustaining the pressure & strain of the whole day. Hence, your breakfast platter must contain a balanced proportion of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamins & few vital minerals like iron, manganese, etc. Also, it is important to choose healthy fats in your diet chart as healthy fats conduct energy whereas the bad fats increase the cholesterol level in body.

2. Supplements to Supply Energy: In recent times, the whole ordeal of balancing between home & office is an extremely tiresome task that requires superhuman strength.  So. Women... Don't forget to take your daily dose of vitamins.  You can depend on various supplements to fulfill your nutrition requirements or you can resort to eating vitamin D rich diet on daily basis.

3. Keep Yourself Hydrated: Our body requires natural lubrication to perform all the vital functions of the body.  Drinking water at short intervals definitely helps in keeping the body hydrated. One may also adopt the healthy habit of drinking infused water or detox drinks for taking that extra step towards fitness.

4. Stretch a Little: A little bit of physical activity helps in retaining the vitality of the body.  You can take morning walks, or an evening stroll around a garden or else you can follow some very simple workout routines to strengthen your body & stay in shape

5. Take A Health Assessment Test: At numerous times, we do not understand or simply ignore the subtle signs & symptoms of impending diseases, which may turn severe with time. Hence, it is always prudent to take a health score & understand our body’s needs & demands.  

6. Breath in Breathers: Being a mother or a homemaker or an executive demands continuous attention & most hours of the day are invested in mental & physical labor to meet all those expectations. But for your health & sanity's sake, take a small break of ten-fifteen minutes every two hours to refresh your mind & feel active again.  

7. Seek Mental Peace: After packed weekdays, find some mental peace by resigning to a silent corner & practice meditation to calm your soul. You can also try some simple yoga poses to energize your body & soul both.

A woman is perfect in every role she assumes but sometimes she forgets to play the most important role of her life- that is to be Her Real Self. So, this Women’s Day, listen to the woman inside you; pay attention & care to her so that she can shine, smile & sparkle.


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